The main love line of I Hear Your Voice, if internet buzz and news is to be believed, should have belonged to Lawyer Cha and Lawyer Jang. The ensemble cast was also great- from Lawyer Cha to Min Joon Gook to Do Yeon -these characters infused the basic concept of evil and good with heart and a huge grey area of human motivation that was always fascinating in its delivery. Which is a rare trait, and one that made him consistent but torn, a fascinating watch. I loved Soo Ha because he was a kid sometimes, an adult others, but always someone that I felt like stayed true to himself. This isolation was broken when he ran into the girl he had chased after for years, a girl that was now a woman. He started as an unapparent loner, apart from his peers but ever among them- with his gift forcing him into a weird kind of isolation. Soo Ha was no less endearing as a character, more so because he was the one that we watched grow up during the drama. A well rounded character, it will be hard to spend Wednesday and Thursday without her flippant and super confident remarks. She was strong to some people, but a vulnerable smart ass to others (her Mom, Soo Ha). With the serious undertones of this story Jang Hye Sung had a more staid side as well and that was the side that made me, as a viewer, really connect with this character. She acted cool, she called prosecutors grass hair, and she didn’t think twice about it. Lee Bo Young was an awesome character, in my opinion, because she was an effectively endearing smart ass. Our last words are, signed by Hye sung “I am your public Defender” The end. Our last scenes are of Hye Sung, taking sign language lessons and then using her new skill during a client meeting. And of course Hye Sung for becoming someone who follows the truth. Min Joon Gook for showing him what not to become. Prosecutor De Yeon who had the ability to admit her wrongs and learn from them. He mentions four people that have made him want to be a police officer: Lawyer Cha, who turned him into a man by always leading by example and calling him out on his wrongs. He begins to explain to his interviewers, much as Hye Sung had during her interview in episode one, what got him to this point. Soo Ha, who has taken the police academy entrance exam, is in his academy interview. Min Joon Gook is sentenced to life in prison, we get a feeling that he realizes he was the guy that started it all. Later we see De Yoen at her biological father’s bedside as he nears his end. She runs into her Dad and they have a cold meeting, it is obvious he will not admit his wrong. The story winds down as Prosecutor De Yoen returns to her home to grab a bag for her Mom (who is still very much estranged from dear old dad). Soo Ha explains the charges were dropped. At the sight of him walking up the road Hye Sung rushes towards him and declares that she loves him (even if she doesn’t show it enough) and that she will wait for him if he has to go to jail. Soo Ha returns home (after tearfully bidding farewell to a still angry Hye Sung) to find Hye Sung has found her journal, the same journal he kept for the last eleven years. Prosecutor De Yeon sees the light and drops her indictment of Soo Ha after questioning him. He begs her to consider that the law, no matter how set in stone it may be, should have a heart- after all Soo Ha is the reason they caught Min Joon Gook (not to mention Joon Gook did all that killing and framing and killing and things). Lawyer Cha learns of Prosecutor Do Yeon’s subpoena of Soo Ha, and confronts her. Hye Sung supports him, because she does not want Joon Gook to get the death penalty (remember Mom’s words, an eye for an eye will make the entire world blind). Lawyer Cha decides to defend Min Joon Gook in order to tell Joon Gook’s side of the story. Soo Ha says he must tell the truth, it is the right thing to do. Soo Ha decides to answer the subpoena- while Hye Sung begs him to lie and say he did not stab her. Soo Ha is still bothered by Hye Sung’s occasional comments about him being gone someday, but he tries to bury his feelings of uneasiness. Soo Ha and Hye Sung decide to continue living together. She follows the rigid rules of the law and issues a subpoena for Soo Ha for attempted murder. With the arrest of Min Joon Gook and his sudden desire to tell the truth, Do Yeon learns Soo Ha stabbed Hye Sung one year ago. Mini Recap: Spoilers- Spoilers- Spoilers!